Science Journalism
Insights from PhD projects are also of interest to audiences beyond the circle of academics. Many scholars actively strike up and participate in societal discussions, adding unique and informed perspectives to public debate. Possibilities are endless: contributing to op-ed sections of newspapers, authoring popular scientific books or by-passing conventional gatekeepers altogether via your own (group) blog. All hold the potential of reaching relevant audiences.
This course is offered in collaboration with Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS).
Target group
- This course is open to all PhD students who would like (their) research to have an impact outside of academia as well, regardless of how far along they are with their PhD projects.
- The maximum number of participants per group is 16.
Course objectives
The aim of this course is to:
- enhance participants’ popular science writing and communication skills, in order to make relevant contributions to a sustainable society.
- provide participants with insight in the possibilities that popular writing offers to increase scholars’ visibility and to disseminate academic knowledge to a larger audience (both professionals and lay people), for instance by being featured in the media as an expert.
After course completion, you will know how to write captivatingly about your research. You will know how to collect and structure sources to ensure your work is transparent, credible and reliable. You will have practised different techniques to make your writing expressive and effective, and you will be familiar with images, and visual and audio formats. You will be able to be more effective during interviews. Participants will have insights in knowledge dissemination via print, online and social media, and are informed about journalistic practices regarding science journalism, op-eds and expert interviews.
Practical details and credits
- Face-to-face classes
- 6 sessions of 2.5 hours
- 40 hours of self study
- 2 ECTS
Sessions are made up of in-class exercises, mini-lectures and feedback sessions. Participants practice writing extensively, improving their skills based on the comments provided. The course is taught in English, but assignments may be written in English or Dutch depending on the participant’s goals.
Admission requirements
There are no specific entry requirements to be admitted to this course.
Dates and times
The Science Journalism course is offered twice a year, once in the first semester and once in the second semester. Please click below for the course schedule.
Schedule PhD and Postdoc courses 2025
If you would like to take this course but it is either full or does not list a starting date that suits you, please subscribe to our notification list by filling in the registration form. You will then be kept updated on new sign-up opportunities and dates.
You follow the course at our location: Forum, Wageningen Campus.
Course materials
Participants will get access to Brightspace. All relevant information will be made available on the course page.
To receive a certificate, participants must meet the following 4 requirements: (1) attend the first class, (2) attend at least 4 of the 5 remaining classes, (3) attend each session in its entirety and (4) submit all assignments on time.
Course fee
Reduced fee* | €375 |
University fee** | €750 |
External fee | €795 |
The fee includes study and training material.
Reduced fee*
- PhD candidates of Wageningen University with an approved Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) who are registered at one of the WU graduate schools (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS, WIMEK).
- Postdocs of Wageningen University who are registered at one of the WU graduate schools.
University fee**
- All other PhD candidates / Wageningen University postdocs and staff.
Cancellation conditions
You may cancel free of charge up to four weeks before the start of the course. After this date you will be charged the incurring course fee. Unless:
- You can find someone to replace you in the course and supply the course coordinator with the name and contact information of your replacement. In this case you will only be charged a €50 cancellation fee.
- You (PhDs and postdocs of Wageningen University) have a valid reason to cancel (illness or death in the family 1st or 2nd degree). In this case you will be charged the reduced fee and your supervisor/PI must send a mail indicating the reason for cancellation.