About SWU Thymos
SWU Thymos is the sports foundation of Wageningen University and represents the interests of all student athletes in Wageningen. It is a student-run organisation and consists of six students. The foundation's objective is to make as many students as possible move and work out; this is done by acting as an umbrella organisation over all student sports associations and by organizing various events. SWU Thymos is the first contact point for students for almost all sports related matters.
During working hours, there is almost always someone present in the SWU Thymos office in the back of the Bongerd. If you have any sports related questions, come by our office!
The word Thymos comes from the ancient Greece. Plato was the first to use it when he was philosophizing about the contribution of sports to society. It means 'enrichment of the soul's energy through physical exercise'.
Board of SWU Thymos '24/'25

- Jorick van IJcken – Chairman
- Elsa Geerts – Secretary
- Rik de Jonge – Treasurer
- Tristan Maas – Commissioner of Sports
- Sterre Pikaar – Commissioner of Events
- Ilse Hofstee – Commissioner of Public Relations
Confidential Contact Person (CCP)
A Confidential Contact Person (CCP) is someone who you can help you find the right person to talk to when you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced unwanted or unacceptable behaviour. Unwanted or unacceptable behaviour can take many forms, like discrimination, bullying, (sexual) harassment, threats, stalking or gossiping, both online and offline. Even if it is very subtle, unwanted or unacceptable behaviour can still have a great impact on your feeling of safety and your pleasure in exercising.A CCP will help you to work out a strategy best suited to you and your situation. When you come and talk to a CCP you are the boss. They are there to help you work out a strategy but they can and will not act without your knowledge. And of course, everything you tell is confidential.
CCP SWU Thymos
This year Tristan Maas and Elsa Geerts, two SWU Thymos board members, became CCPs. You can contact us when you or someone you know is experiencing unwanted or unacceptable behaviour while playing sports of any kind. Meet our CCPs here.
CA Wageningen University
Wageningen University has Confidential Advisers (CA). These CA's are professionals this differs from CCP which are often volunteers that followed a training. You can contact the CA's via vpstudent@wur.nl, for more information you can look here.
CCP Gemeente WageningenGemeente (municipality)
Wageningen has two CCPs, Machteld Speets and Machteld Vos de Wael. You can contact them via vertrouwenscontactpersoon@vcwageningen.nl, more information can be found here (website is only in Dutch).
Official documents
For the groundrules of SWU Thymos you can find the statutes here:
Statutes of SWU Thymos
Rules and Regulations
Are you interested in the necessary steps of becoming an SSA or SWU Thymos acknowledged association? Or do you want to know more about the subsidies SWU Thymos offers? Then you can find our rules and regulations here:
Rules and Regulations SWU Thymos
Do you want to know what SWU Thymos wants to achieve this year, which goals have been set and with which important themes we will work? Read our policy here:
Privacy statement
Do you want to know how we handle personal data? Then read our privacy statement here:
Terms & Conditions Events & Experiences
Do you want to know what rules have been set regarding participation in one of our events or experiences? Read our terms & conditions here:
Payment regulation Events & Experiences
Do you know how we handle payment and withdrawal from SWU Thymos events & experiences? Read our payment regulation here:
Regulations payment and withdrawal
Are you interested in everything about students sports in Wageningen? Check out the sportsguide of 2024-2025!
Rent and sale
Rent of material
SWU Thymos gives you the opportunity to lend materials for certain sports events. You can lend the materials at the office of SWU Thymos in Sports Centre de Bongerd. For the following materials a rent will be charged and you will need to hand in a deposit. This can either be a personal OV-chip card or a student card OR € 50,- cash.
- Megaphone (costs € 2,50 per piece)
- Radio telephones (costs € 2,50 per set of two)
- Stopwatches (costs € 2,50 per piece)
- Knotsen (costs € 2,50 per knots)
The next materials require no costs, you do however have to hand in a deposit: your personal OV-chip card or a student card AND € 50,- cash.
- Digital photo camera
- GoPro
For payments we accept cash only. The lending period is 24 hours (week days) or a weekend. If this period is exceeded, extra costs will be charged.
SWU Thymos also sells products, which can be picked up at our office and need to be paid in cash:
- Knotsball stick € 8,50
- Frisbee € 10,-
- Socks €7,25
- Bidon €2,50