All students with sports rights can apply for subsidies of SWU Thymos. The different subsidy application forms has to be emailed to swu.thymos@wur.nl for approval within one month after the event.
Individual subsidies
Subsidy on individual events (including NSK's)
Students with sport rights can request a subsidy for national and international sports events. The application form has to be handed in within one month after the sports event or NSK. Payment of the subsidy will take place in January after the relevant calendar year.
Subsidy on GNSK
Team captains can request a subsidy from SWU Thymos and from Sports Centre the Bongerd (SCB) for team members who participated in the GNSK. SWU Thymos handles both subsidies. SWU Thymos provides a subsidy of € 15,- for every participant taking part in the GNSK that has annual sport rights. The SCB provides a subsidy of € 10,- for every participant. The application form has to be handed in within one month after the GNSK by the team captain.
Subsidy on the Batavierenrace
Team captains can request a subsidy from SWU Thymos for team members who participated in the Batavierenrace. SWU Thymos provides a subsidy of € 5,- for every participant taking part in the Batavierenrace that has sport rights. The application form has to be handed in within one month after the Batavierenrace by the team captain.
Subsidy on the Veluweloop
Team captains can request a subsidy from SWU Thymos for team members who participated in the Veluweloop. SWU Thymos provides a subsidy of € 5,- for every participant taking part in the Veluweloop that has sport rights. The application form has to be handed in within one month after the Veluweloop by the team captain.
Subsidies for SSA's
Student sports associations (SSAs) can apply for different subsidies. The following subsidies can be applied for by an SSA:
Association subsidy
Each SSA receives a fixed amount of € 120,- per calendar year, if the required financial documents (budget, clearance and balance) are submitted to SWU Thymos before the 1st of April. SWU Thymos will decide to approve or reject the request.
Clothing subsidy
Every SSA can request a subsidy for the purchase of competition clothing, if the WUR logo is positioned correctly on the clothing. The yearly subsidy amount depends on the number of members with annual student sports rights.
Material subsidy
Every SSA can request subsidy from SWU Thymos for the purchase of small material. Material requests are assessed twice a year, after April 1st and after November 1st.
Subsidy for training and education
Courses for trainer / coach / referee / jury member / sports climbing instructor, etc. are covered by this subsidy. SWU Thymos contributes 50% to the costs of the course, up to a maximum of € 250,- per SSA per calendar year.
Professionalisation subsidy
To encourage professionalisation, SSAs can apply for this subsidy. The SSA must submit the application form and a proof document to SWU Thymos before December 1st. For an extensive explanation about the professionalization subsidy, click here.
Subsidy on external training locations
When an SSA organises a training on an external location (a location that deviates from the regular training location), they can apply for this subsidy. The subsidy amount is 50% of the costs for renting or accessing the external location, up to a maximum of € 150.
Subsidy for organizing Dutch Student Championships (NSK)
SWU Thymos offers a conditional grant of up to €200 for organizing an NSK. The budget of the NSK must be submitted to SWU Thymos at least three months before the NSK takes place. SWU Thymos will decide to approve or reject the request.
Sponsorbudget WUR (for events including Dutch student championships)
Through SWU Thymos, SSAs can request the WUR sponsorbudget for organizing an event or tournament. The application must be submitted to SWU Thymos, after which the SCB will decide on approval. The maximum amount that can be applied for is € 300 and the request must be submitted at least one month before the event.