Student testimonial
Student Wendy - MSc Food Safety
Before deciding to come to Wageningen University, Wendy worked for several years in the regulatory affairs of medical devices for a company in Indonesia. After some consideration, Wendy wanted to equip herself with more expertise in regulatory affairs. She knew that food plays an essential part of people’s everyday lives and was interested in learning more about the role of regulatory affairs in the food industry. This ultimately led to Wendy applying for the Master's Food Safety programme, specialisation Food Law and Regulatory Affairs.
This specialisation is unique because it mirrors real-world situations in food regulatory affairs while also addressing future challenges in the food system.
Can you describe briefly who you are and what you are currently doing?
"I’m Wendy and from Indonesia. I’m in the last step of finishing my master’s programme with my internship in the Quality and Food Safety department at Danone here in the Netherlands. In the past year, I’ve also I completed my thesis on the topic of green claims. I had to compare the new regulation of green claims in EU and its potential adoption in my home country of Indonesia.
My research had to do with examining how when a change like green claims happen in the EU or other big countries, the effect will be felt hard in smaller countries as well because they also supply products."
When did you first hear about your study programme and what did you think about it?
"I first discovered the Food Law and Regulatory Affairs specialisation while searching for a major that aligned with my Quality and Regulatory Affairs role. The programme immediately caught my attention, and I explored it further on the website."
Could you tell us something about your study programme? How have you arranged it to fit your interests?
"This specialization offers a unique blend of life and social sciences, particularly law. With my professional background in food regulatory affairs, but without a food science or law background, I found the programme adaptable to my needs, providing me with essential knowledge in both areas. The courses were designed very well with so many experienced lectures."
Which part of your study did you find the most interesting?
"One of the most exciting aspects was learning about European and international food law. It was fascinating to see how high-level food legislation is developed and harmonised among relevant stakeholders, considering factors like technology, environment, and others. I particularly enjoyed the paper writing assignments, which significantly sharpened my critical thinking, and the guest lectures offered invaluable insights. The international environment enriched my experience even further."
What do you do besides studying? Do you have a special interest or talent?
"What I love about WUR is you have an environment with these amenities and facilities, so you can choose what you want to do, and explore other options. I enjoyed taking yoga lessons and being involved in activities with student associations. I’ve also been taking piano lessons."
What do you think about student life in Wageningen?
is a peaceful city, ideal for focused study, and WUR provides excellent support and amenities for students. Joining student associations like IAAS (International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences) allowed me to participate in the World Food Forum in Rome, which was invaluable in helping me understand and contribute to better agrifood systems, perfectly aligning with my specialisation and future aspirations."