About University Fund Wageningen
University Fund Wageningen contributes to activities that make a difference for the students, researchers and entrepreneurs of Wageningen University & Research (WUR).
Our mission
The University Fund Wageningen is the independent expert in connecting donors with special WUR talents and research. Through additional philanthropic funding, projects and talents that do not (entirely) qualify for regular funding can still be realised and accelerated.
In this way, we increase the impact of WUR and contribute to the Wageningen mission. With support to fundamental and pioneering research, to thorough education of WUR students, to stimulating entrepreneurship; all three needed to find solutions to the societal challenges of today and tomorrow. We do this since 1951.
Our areas of expertise
Policy plan 2023 - 2027
Want to know more about our mission, vision and strategy for the coming years? Read our strategy document for 2023-2027!
Annual Report
For the prior versions of the annual reports and financial statements, please refer to our Dutch website.

The board of University Fund Wageningen (UFW), legally a continuation of Wageningen University Fund (WUF), consists of the following unrenumerated members:

Additional functions:
- Non executive director of the Board - Calysta Inc.
- Member of the Supervisory Board - Aqua Spark Cooperatieve U.A.
- Member of the Supervisory Board - PeelPioneers. B.V.
- Member of the Supervisory Board - Bleu Green Fund Cooperatieve U.A.
- Member of the Supervisory Board - Invest International B.V.
- Member of the Board -Stichting Breadfruit House

Additional functions:
- Board Startlife - chair
- Supervisory & Advisory Board Shift Invest

Additional functions:
- Professor of Animal Nutrition, Wageningen University & Research
- Professor of Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University
- Chairman, International Advisory Board GMP+
- Advisory Board, Scholtus Special Products

Director, HandicapNL Foundation
Additional functions:
- Member Advisory Board, MBO Utrecht
- Treasurer, Shinty Hockey Foundation

Consultant at ABDTOPConsult, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Additional functions:
- Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of Salem living with care
- Member of Social Council Prisoner Care Netherlands
- Member of the Deputation Church and Government Reformed Churches
- Chairman of external complaints committee Prisma
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Crown Domain
- Member of the church council of the Reformed Congregations in Moerkapelle

CEO Boerschappen
Additional functions:
- Member Supervisory Board & Inspiration Transition Coalition Food
- Board member Food Families Krimpenerwaard
- Founder Healthy Food Coalition
- Chairman Taskforce Short Chain
The members of the board are volunteers and do not receive renumeration.
Public Benefit Organisation
Fiscal/ANBI number:

University Fund Wageningen is a registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Netherlands (ANBI). Gifts to the fund are often tax-deductible, including gifts from abroad. Please check the fiscal laws of your country of residence for details on the tax deductibility of your gift. Donors based in the USA can give in a tax-efficient way through the American friends of Wageningen University at Myriad USA (Formerly King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS)). We have also been granted a Equivalency Determination (ED) Certificate through NGO Source. The ED Certificate states that we are certified as equivalent to a U.S. public charity under the IRS' ED standards. For more information, see Give from the USA. For larger gifts, such as a periodic donation or an inheritance with a minimum of €50,000, several options are possible, including the establishment of a Named Fund. Donations to the University Fund Wageningen allow for a contribution to talent development, research and entrepreneurship.
Do you need advice on your donation or would you like to know more? Please contact us at ufw@wur.nl.
Privacy, code of conduct and complaints procedure
Privacy and Cookie statement
For our Privacy & Cookie statement, we refer you to the Privacy & Cookie statement of WUR.
Code of Conduct
The Wageningen University Fund follows the code of conduct of Wageningen University & Research (WUR).
The WUR code of conduct is shaped by a WUR-wide framework of house rules and rules of conduct with regard to integrity, privacy and manners, and applies to all WUR employees and students. This describes how we deal with each other and with the outside world. WUR also has regulations that provide for complaints procedures in the event of abuse, such as the Whistle-blower Policy and the Complaints Procedure Undesirable Behaviour, and has a system in place to provide assistance and guidance in tackling undesirable behaviour. In addition, WUR has drawn up an Anti-corruption Code for personnel involved in international projects. The framework of various codes and rules can be consulted on the WUR Integrity and Privacy page.
WUR together with all other Dutch universities, united in the VSNU, has drawn up a statement on social safety at the Dutch universities, which was published in April 2019.
The UFW employees are employed by WUR. In accordance with other WUR employees, they have signed in their letter of appointment to, among other things, comply with the Integrity Code Wageningen University & Research and to mention their ancillary activities in line with the Regulations Ancillary Activities Wageningen University & Research.
Complaints procedure
The complaints procedure applies to alumni, donors, potential donors and applicants for scholarships and grants. This policy does not cover complaints from staff, who should refer to UFW’s internal policy on such matters. Complaints are treated confidentially. All information will be handled sensitively, shared only with those who need to know and following any relevant data protection requirements.
The University Fund Wageningen (UFW) attaches great importance to the correct handling of complaints: after all, maintaining a good relationship with alumni, donors and other stakeholders is essential for the fund. Collaborating with our alumni and philanthropic partners is at the heart of UFW's work. UFW views complaints as a chance to put things right for the person or organisation that has made the complaint, and to make sure that, wherever possible, relationships are repaired. Complaints are considered a valuable source of information about the functioning of the UFW, based on which we can improve our working methods and processes. Also, comments, useful tips on how we can do our work better or wishes are noted. This gives us more insight into what is important for our alumni and donors and what we can work on as an organization to prevent complaints.
Definition of a complaint
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about any aspect of UFW, encompassing UFW in general or any UFW service, product or employee.
Submit a complaint
Complaints can be submitted to the UFW in the following ways:
- in person
- by phone: +31 (0)317 484054
- by email: ufw@wur.nl
- via the contact form
- in writing: PO Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen
Answering a complaint
Complaints submitted in person or by telephone will be handled immediately as much as possible. If an investigation has to take place in order to resolve the complaint, an appropriate timeline will be agreed upon during the initial contact.
Written complaints, received via the contact form, e-mail or post, will be handled as soon as possible, but in any case within five working days, by telephone or in writing. If handling takes more time, an acknowledgement of the complaint will first be sent to the person who reported the complaint to UFW. This acknowledgement will say who is dealing with the complaint and when the person complaining can expect a reply.
UFW is active on social media and monitors reactions on these channels. We will respond to this as soon as possible. If more investigation is needed, this will be indicated, and we will inform the complainant when to expect a reply.
A complaints logbook is used the register all complaints received, so that it is visible on which subjects complaints have been received. Based on the logbook, a report is submitted to the board at least once a year. Based on this, the board can adjust the policy to prevent complaints about the same subject in the future. The management report, which is published annually together with the annual accounts, states how many complaints have been received, the nature of the complaints, how they were handled, and if they were resolved satisfactorily.
Bank details & Contact
Bank details
IBAN code: NL57ABNA0539314005
attn. University Fund Wageningen
BIC/Swift code: ABNANL2a
Chambers of Commerce: 41047850
Fiscal number: 0054.52.119
Postal address and administration
P.O. Box 9101
Courier number 192
6700 HB Wageningen
The Netherlands
T: +31 317- 48.40.54
E: ufw@wur.nl