Leaving a legacy to the Anne van den Ban Fund
More and more people are including one or more charities in their wills. It is a special and beautiful way to remain meaningful, even if you are no longer here yourself. Leaving a legacy to the Anne van de Ban Fund contributes to the future of a student from a developing country who, thanks to you, can create a better world for generations to come.
Improving the quality of life is always central in 'Wageningen'. Wageningen University & Research is committed to a healthy and sustainable living environment and food production through knowledge sharing and research. Via the Anne van den Ban Fund, this knowlegde will also be available to students from developing countries. With your legacy to the Anne van den Ban Fund you give talent a chance and you contribute to the development of the poorest countries. You directly support the increase of knowledge of a healthy and sustainable environment in the places in which this knowledge is needed the most. If you leave a legacy to the Anne van den Ban Fund, this is arranged through the University Fund Wageningen. University Fund Wageningen is a public benefit institution (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling or ANBI). This means that we do not owe any inheritance tax.
Including the Anne van den Ban Fund in your will
Family, friends and charitable organisations
Without a will, only your heirs inherit your estate as laid down in law in your country. If you want to decide for yourself about the division of your estate and wish to include a friend or a charity, for example, you can determine this in your will. A lawyer can help you draw up your will on your behalf. In your will you can indicate what should be done with your possessions after your death. In it you determine who your heirs are; you can appoint one or more persons as (joint) heirs, but also a charitable organisation such as the University Fund Wageningen or a named fund, such as the Anne van den Ban Fund.
In order for your legacy to benefit the Anne van den Ban Fund, you instruct University Fund Wageningen to do so in your will. Your notary can help you with the wording.
Inheritance or bequest
If you appoint the University Fund Wageningen as co-heir, in addition to, for example, family members, friends and other organisations, the fund will be entitled to part of your estate. That is called a testamentary disposition.
With a bequest you can leave a certain amount of money, a house, a piece of land or a valuable painting from your inheritance to the universty fund, which will ensure that this bequest benefits the Anne van den Ban Fund.
Contact us
Are you considering including the Anne van den Ban Fund in your will? We are happy to discuss the options with you. For more information about making a bequest to the Anne van den Ban Fund, please contact Arianne van Ballegooij, fundraiser at the University Fund Wageningen.