Young researchers
Your donation gives young researchers the chance to acquire (international) experience and to strengthen their position in the job market.
Stimulating international contacts for young researchers through the HJS Fund
The HJS Fund invests in young agrobiologists and crop scientists to facilitate research in agrobiology and crop sciences. Special attention is given to sustainable food production.Strengthen the position of excellent female scientists through the Storm-van der Chijs Fund
The objective of the Storm-van der Chijs Fund is to encourage and support Wageningen University female scientists to pursue their work and career in science.Support young female researchers in animal biology
The Lucie Timmermans Fund supports young women researchers in the fields of experimental zoology, animal cell biology, entomology and animal physiology at Wageningen University. The aim is to help them build their scientific career.LEB Travel Fund
The LEB Travel Fund stimulates environmental sciences and developments in agriculture by financing the activities of students and young researchers active in agricultural research and environmental sciences at Wageningen University & Research (WUR).Support the international development of microbiologists through the Middelhoven Fund
Financial contribution from the Middelhoven Fund is solely intended for students and staff active in the field of microbiology.