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Onderwijsactiviteiten - dr.ir. MJPM (Michel) Riksen

Docent BSc and MSc Internationaal Land en Waterbeheer

Coördinator onderwijs SLM groep

Photo: practicum in de regenval simulator


SLM52303 Sustainable Soil Management: Soil4Life
SGL33806 The 4th Dimension in Earth Sciences
SLM20306 Land & Water Engineering
WRM32306 Research Approaches to Land and Water Management
WRM21312 Design in Land and Water Management 2
WRM21312 Design in Land and Water Management 2
SLM80336 MSc Thesis Soil Physics and Land Management
SLM80336 MSc Thesis Soil Physics and Land Management
SGL33806 The 4th Dimension in Earth Sciences
SLM11303 Exploring Professional Practices in International Land and Water Management