Onderwerp scriptie

How do genetic variants affect α-synuclein associated pathology?

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a valuable model organism for studying human Parkinson Disease associated molecular mechanisms. We use C. elegans carrying a human copy of the α-synuclein (SNCA gene) that show the characteristic protein accumulation. In C. elegans, we can study how individual genetic differences affect α-synuclein related pathology. We currently aim to find which genes in C. elegans are implicated in accelerated α-synuclein accumulation.

Techniques that will be used:

•       Recombinant inbred lines

•       gene expression analysis (qPCR)

•       Light microscopy

•       ELISA



Period(s) in which subject is available: All periods



This thesis topic is well suited for students of the following Bachelor programmes:

BBI - Major A Cell and Molecular Biology

BBI - Major C Human and Animal health Biology





Deadline for application for the project: at least 4 weeks



Type of research project: Experimental work
