
Payment of Tuition Fees 2017-2018

You can submit a request for enrolment as a student at Wageningen University via Studielink as of October 1, 2016. You can fill in your payment details on Studielink as of May 1, 2017. More information about the methods of payment: please see below.

How to pay your tuition fees?

Prospective 1st year Bachelor students

You can submit a request for enrolment as a student at Wageningen University via Studielink as of October 1, 2016. You can fill in your payment details on Studielink as of May 1, 2017. More information about the methods of payment: please see below.

If you choose in Studielink NOT to pay your tuition fee by digital authorisation (digitaal machtigen), you will receive a letter from the Student Service Centre stating the amount of tuition fee to be paid and the method of payment. Please follow the instructions in the letter.

All senior Bachelor and Master student who want to re-enrol for the same study programme in 2017-2018

If you are a senior Bachelor or senior master student and you want to continue with the same study programme in the academic year 2017-2018, you need to re-enrol for this study programme via Studielink in the period May 1 – August 31, 2017. In Studielink you will have to fill in your payment details, as soon as this task appears in your ‘My to-do-list’. Please do not forget to confirm your payment!

If you choose in Studielink NOT to pay your tuition fee by digital authorisation (digitaal machtigen), you will receive a letter from the Student Service Centre stating the amount of tuition fee to be paid and the method of payment. Please follow the instructions mentioned in the letter. Students who pay the institutional fee 3 should pay their tuition fee according to the instructions on the invoice that they have received.

Prospective 1st year Master students

1st year Master students cannot enrol as a student at Wageningen University via Studielink.

Dutch and EU 1st year Master students who have been admitted to the programme will receive by e-mail a Registration Form 2017-2018 with a payment agreement form and instructions how to proceed.

Non-EU/EFTA students: Upon receipt of your confirmation, an invoice will be sent to you or to your sponsor. The invoice includes important information about the payment. The required amount should be paid into our bank account (see the invoice for details) before the deadline. Do not make any payments before receiving the invoice.

Methods of payment

Direct debit from a European SEPA bank account

Tuition fees can only be paid by direct debit from a European SEPA¹ bank account under the following conditions:

• You are eligible to pay either the statutory tuition fee or the institutional tuition fee 2.
The statutory tuition fee can be paid in one or in 5 payments.
If you have to pay the institutional tuition fee 2, please contact the Student Service Centre for further details.
• If you have to pay the institutional tuition fee 3, you cannot make use of payment by direct debit.
• Payment by direct debit is only possible from a SEPA bank account (no savings account!).
• You must confirm your digital authorisation in Studielink before August 31, 2017 or, if you are using the paper enrolment form 2017-2018, must submit this form including your direct debit authorisation before August 31 to the Student Service Centre (SSC). You must fill in the direct debit authorisation form completely and correctly and then sign it.
• You cannot prematurely withdraw the authorisation.
• You cannot prematurely close or change the account to which the direct debit authorisation applies. If the account is changed the remaining amount should be paid to WU.
• €24 in administration fees for direct debit in multiple payments will be charged by WU.

¹ SEPA = Single European Payments Area (the 28 European Union countries + Iceland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Norway and Switzerland)

We strongly advise you to pay your tuition fees by direct debit, if you satisfy the above mentioned conditions. When you pay by direct debit, the Student Service Centre can enrol you as a student at Wageningen University upon receipt of your confirmation of your payment by direct debit in Studielink, or upon receipt of your completed and signed payment agreement form. Subsequently, your registration form is processed sooner, your WUR account is activated, and you are able to make use of My Portal and the WU educational facilities. Payment by direct debit is only possible till August 31.

When paying by direct debit in one payment, the full amount due will be deducted from your account on September 25, 2017.

When paying by direct debit in multiple payments, the amount due (statutory tuition fee or institutional tuition fee 1 or 2) will be deducted in 5 equal payments from the specified bank account. The installments will be debited at the following dates: September 25, October 25 and December 22, 2017 and February 26 and April 25, 2017. When paying in installments, an amount of € 24.- for administration fees will be deducted together with the first installment at the end of September.

Transfer of tuition fees in one payment from a bank account

Transfer from a Dutch bank account:

• Please transfer the tuition fees to be paid to bank account no NL28RABO0397026080 of Wageningen University. Please mention: Tuition fee 2017-2018 + the name and date of birth of the student concerned.

Transfer from a non-Dutch bank account:
• If you have received an invoice from Wageningen University regarding your tuition fees, please follow the instructions on the invoice.
• If you have not received an invoice from Wageningen University and you want to transfer the amount of tuition fees to be paid from a non-Dutch bank account, you can transfer the whole amount to bank account no NL28RABO0397026080 of Wageningen University at the Rabobank Netherlands (SWIFT: RABONL2U)
Please mention: Tuition fees 2017-2018 + the name and date of birth of the student concerned.

Enrolment will only take place, after the amount has been received into our bank account. The Tuition fee must be received before August 31, 2017.

Payment at the Student Service Desk

You can ‘PIN’ the whole amount in Euros at the Student Service Desk in the FORUM. Dutch and European debit cards are accepted. You can also pay by credit card; in this case an extra 3% of the amount to be paid will be charged.

Exemption of payment of tuition fees

If you are enrolled for 2017-2018 as a student at another Dutch University or Dutch school of Higher Education for a CROHO registered study programme and you are entitled to pay the statutory tuition fee, you may be exempted from paying tuition fees when enrolling as a student at Wageningen University for a second study programme. To get exemption:

1. You must be entitled to the Dutch statutory tuition fee, and

2. You will have to submit an original ‘Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees 2017-2018 (BBC) from the other institution where you are registered as a student.

If you are not entitled to the statutory tuition fee at Wageningen University, you will not be eligible for exemption of tuition fees and you will have to pay the full institutional tuition fee for your second enrolment at Wageningen University.


No rights can be derived from the information on this site. Conditions and amounts mentioned may be subject to change depending on Dutch legislation and Wageningen University policies.