PhD graduations

The Centre for Animal Nutrition is proud to announce the graduation and upcoming PhD defence of our PhD candidates. The PhD defences and graduations of Wageningen University are in the Auditorium. You are welcome to attend the PhD defences live in there or you can (re-)view them online.

All dissertations of Wageningen University & Research that are not under embargo are available in the library. Dissertations from Utrecht University in its library.

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On Friday 7 July, Yvonne van der Meer, successfully defended her thesis 'Nutrition of pigs kept under low and high sanitary conditions: effects on amino acid and energy metabolism and damaging behaviour' in the Auditorium of Wageningen University.

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On Wednesday 22 June, Anne Vissers successfully defended her thesis 'Leaf phenolics and seaweed tannins: analysis, enzymatic oxidation and non-covalent protein binding' in the Auditorium of Wageningen University.

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On Wednesday 15 November, Felicidade Macome, successfully defended her thesis 'In vitro prediction of in vivo methane production by lactating dairy cows' in the Utrecht University Hall in Utrecht. Read more.

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On Wednesday 22 November, Hsuan Chen successfully defended her thesis 'Protein degradation in pigs and poultry' in the Auditorium of Wageningen University.

Coming events

On December 22: PhD defence by Sanne van Gastelen, Wageningen University.