
Wednesday  13th of June – Ryerson University

1 augustus 2018

Written by: Alime Cengiz

The day started around 5.00 am in Townhouse in Guelph. After the breakfast and cleaning, we left Guelph at 6.00 am in order to travel 89 km to Ryerson University, Toronto. Everybody was sleepy and enjoyed some sleep during the time in bus. Some of us had efficient time with Remko to get valuable comments about their presentations or works. We arrived at the university around 8.30 am with a 30 min delay. The host university arranged the program called “Food Science and Research Symposium” for our visit and invited other researchers and students from their department. At the moment we arrived, Ryerson people gave us a warm welcome with a nice breakfast and hot-cold beverages.

The first person who presented was Prof. Dr. Derick Rousseau. He gave us a nice introduction of his group, how it is structured and the main research topics currently running in it. His presentation was followed by the introduction of our group to our hosts, made by Prof. Boom. Afterwards we heard presentations from Ryen, Jessica, Khakhanagang, Malek, Ruby, Selvyn from Ryerson University and Birgit, Wanqing, Alime, Anja, Patricia, Juliana and Qinhui from our group.

Then it was lunch time. It was held in the same conference room and we enjoyed a variety of foods, delicious sandwiches, soup, salads and fruits.

After the lunch, the poster session was started. We had a chance to talk about our and their research with the people from Ryerson University.

This was the last day of the PhD trip and the main group had to leave to catch their flights. So, after the poster session, around 15.00, Juliana thanked our hosts for the warm welcome and gave them our usual presents: stroopwafels and a book about the Netherlands. We said goodbye to our hosts and took the bus to the airport. Some of us stayed longer in Toronto city to enjoy the spectacular nature around and some free time.