
On a wilderness trip for leadership

4 januari 2021

An article is published in Het Parool, a Dutch newspaper, based on Dr. Boy van Droffelaar's research as a PhD student in the Cultural Geography Group. He defended his thesis in October last year.

Boy could be considered as one of the oldest PhD graduates from Wageningen University. He began his PhD journey in 2012, after his retirement in 2008. In his working life, he has held various senior positions in large international companies. Upon retirement, he was introduced to the Foundation for Natural Leadership. FNL organises trips to the wilderness of South Africa and other remote places in Europe, where groups of executives who have never met before go 'on trail' for a week. Breaking free from the Excel sheets that dominate their daily lifes, the aim is for each to know himself/herself better in how they want to live life in the midst of wild nature. It is hoped that this would make them better and more natural leaders when they return home.

Boy's PhD research at the Cultural Geography Group was supervised by Prof. dr. René van der Duim and dr. Maarten Jacobs. His thesis can be found here.

Link to Dutch article in Het Parool.