Special collection of 73 re-sequenced tomato lines
A collection of 73 tomato lines re-sequenced within the 150 Tomato Genome ReSequencing Project.
The collection includes old cultivars and accessions of several wild species with a wide variety of type and geographical origin. First generation seed was produced from inbred progenies of the sequenced plants by the WUR Plant Breeding group, and second generation seed by a second round of single seed descent or by bulking inbred progenies of 2-3 plants. For Self Incompatible wild species, the sequenced plant was crossed with pollen from several father plants.
Accession documentation
See the Download section on the right of this page.
More information can be found on: https://www.tomatogenome.wur.nl
Distribution procedures
Distribution bags contain 10 seeds per line. Seeds are distributed as Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) under development using a Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) and an accompanying contract governing the transfer of seed samples of the special collection. Contract issues and payment conditions are to be arranged with the responsible curator Willem van Dooijeweert.
CGN does not accept any liability for the incorrect identity of the material, insufficient germination or the presence of diseases.