
Herziening EU-regelgeving dierenwelzijn : economische gevolgen van aanpassingen aan huisvesting

Bondt, Nico; Benus, Mariël; Jager, Jakob; Bergevoet, Ron


For dairy farms, sow farms and laying hen farms, it has been calculated how much has to be invested for extra animal welfare improvements and what will be the production cost increase. For dairy farms it is mainly about more and more spacious cubicles, sow farms would have to switch to free-range farrowing pens and colony cages for laying hens would have to be replaced by free-range systems. The calculations are based on additional investments for new construction and a reasonable transition period for the implementation of the proposed measures. If the transition period is too short, the costs can rise sharply. The same applies if no permit can be obtained for the realization of the larger houses, as a result of which the farm will be forced to downsize.