Scenariostudie naar doelen en doelrealisatie in het kader van het Nationaal Programma Landelijk Gebied : een integrale verkenning van regionale water-, klimaat- en stikstofdoelen en maatregelen in de landbouw
Gies, Edo; Cals, Twan; Groenendijk, Piet; Kros, Hans; Hermans, Tia; Lesschen, Jan Peter; Renaud, Leo; Velthof, Gerard; Voogd, Jan-Cees
This study is an integral exploration of regional goals and measures in agriculture to achieve the goals of the Birds and Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive, Nitrates Directive and the National Climate Agreement. To this end, regional targets have been derived and an integrated package of measures has been established, aiming to achieve the targets. The effects of the package of measures have been explored for Dutch agriculture with regard to leaching and runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus to groundwater and surface water, greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide from peat soil, methane and nitrous oxide and carbon sequestration in soils), ammonia emission and nitrogen deposition in nature. The targets have been regionalized to province level on the basis of existing and intended agreements or have been derived by the authors on the basis of current emissions per province. Calculations have been performed for the base year 2020, the reference year 2030 with established policy and two scenarios, in which the package of measures has been applied generically and region oriented. The effects of the measures were evaluated in view of the regional targets to determine target reach.