
Kalverstal van de toekomst - (bijna) praktijkrijpe ontwerpconcepten

Puente-Rodríguez, D.; van Dixhoorn, I.D.E.; Hoorweg, F.A.; Gollenbeek, L.R.; van Reenen, C.G.; Aarnink, A.J.A.; Verdoes, N.; Bokma, S.


The veal calf sector aims to reduce ammonia, odor and greenhouse gas emissions from barns. This has positive effects for the environment and improves the climate in the barn, which might benefit animal health and welfare. In this report we elaborate five design-concepts that are (almost) ready for implementation. The design-concepts are aimed at inspiring and supporting farmers who, right now, want/must take action to reduce emissions in existing veal calf barns.