Mapping Indicators for archaeological degradation

Together with the RCE (formerly RACM and ROB Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek/ Archaeological Soil Research) we offer an MSc thesis subject, which combines different skills in soil science and geo-information systems.

The research is focusing on developing decision rules for mapping risks of degradation of known areas in the Netherlands with high archaeological values. These decision rules have to combine geo-information on for example landscape (groundwater table, DEM), soils, landuse history, etc. We aim for a student in Environmental Sciences with skills in soil science, land use and GIS and an interest for Archaeology.

Students: 1

Required: SGL 30306, 33306, 31806

Duration: 24 or more

Location: Wageningen (SGL), Limburg, other areas in The Netherlands

Period: by mutual agreement

Supervision: J.M. Schoorl

Theme: 1

Check the RCE also for Internships on topics like:

  • Information conservation and degradation of archeological soil traces and culture layers
  • Formation of Pyrite and other Sulfides within archeological wooden components
  • Influence of soil formation and pollution on degradation of metals in the soil