BSc and MSc thesis at the Bioprocess Engineering Group

If you would like to do your BSc or MSc thesis project in our group, you can choose for one of the available thesis projects or research themes. Here you can find useful information for a BSc or MSc thesis. You can always contact one of us for more information or to see if your interests can be matched with one of our studies.

Guidelines BSc theses

1. Orientation

Prerequisite courses MSc thesis: 6 credits among the following BPE courses:

  • FPE31306 Transfer Processes
  • BPE34306 Metabolic Engineering of Industrial Microorganisms
  • BPE34806 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • BPE35306 Microalgae Biotechnology
  • BPE36306 Advanced Bioreactor Design
  • BPE36806 Advanced Separation Process Design
  • BPE33803 Animal Cell Biotechnology combined with BPE35803 Marine Biotechnology
  • BCT32306 Advanced Biorefinery
  • BPE40806 Cultivated Meat and Seafood Production
  • BPE40306 Precision Fermentation
  • MIB3036 - Applied Molecular Microbiology
  • SSB56806 - Automated Learning and Testing with Synthetic Biology
  • XWT31305 – Bioreactor Design

As preparation, obtain a preliminary impression on the general research themes and thesis projects at the Bioprocess Engineering department. Do this at least 4 months in advance.

2. Subject choice, planning, and contract

Approach the contact person of the research theme or thesis project(s) that interests you and discuss it. Discuss with the staff member who is supposed to supervise you if the prerequisites courses you have are appropriate for the thesis topic. Only if the supervisor staff member agrees with this, you can proceed.

Once you have made your choice and agreed with your supervisor(s) on duration (i.e. credit points), scope of the thesis and the starting date, then start a CASE in OSIRIS, where the whole Thesis procedure is implemented.

Ask to be registered to the brightspace page of Thesis to There you can find all the instructions and forms.

3. Thesis agreements

Fill out the appropriate BSc learning agreement and secrecy agreement, together with your supervisor(s)). Send a copy of the signed agreements to your study advisor for approval and then to, putting and your supervisors in cc.

Ask to be registered to the brightspace page of Thesis to There you can find all the instructions and forms.

In particular, get a copy of the BSc thesis evaluation form (see download menu on the right).

4. Dates, key, etcetera

On one of the first days of your thesis project, visit the BPE secretary to:

  • be added in the mailinglist
  • pick dates for research presentations talk (see item 5 below)
  • arrange access to the building
  • request a network working space
  • get a locker key

5. Safety & environment

Before you may enter the laboratory you need to receive instructions with respect to safety and environment.


Attending the departmental Safety lecture at its first occurrence is compulsory (dates will be posted).

6. Work assignment

Set up a written outline of your research plan and discuss it in the thesis ring. After it has been discussed in the thesis ring you discuss it with your supervisor. See download menu on the right for a Format of the Work Assignment.

7. Evaluation talk

Approximately half-way the project, the progress is evaluated by you and the supervisor(s), accordingly to this evaluation form. All aspects of the thesis project (project plan, supervision, performance) are considered. The progress evaluation is also a good moment to provide feedback to your supervisors, for example to discuss any shortcomings in your supervision and agree on improvement. In case of a “fail”, you will have to look for another project and start again.

8. Introductory presentation and colloquium

Theses starts with a 10-min Introductory presentation (after 3 weeks max) and ends with a 20-min Colloquium. The 10 and 20-min time spans exclude discussion time. All BPE students are obliged to attend these presentations.

Scheduling of these presentations can be done online using a number of simple instructions.

Presentations above are not open to the general public; attendance is by invitation only and according to the confidentiality rules of Wageningen University.

9. Termination of thesis work

When you finish your practical thesis work you have to do all the actions indicated in the exit form.

10. Thesis report

Writing the thesis is part of the thesis project: you should reserve enough time for this activity. Three weeks before the final date, at least the outline and contents should be ready. A draft version (digital word version) should be handed in to the supervisor, who will make suggestions/comments for the final version. The final report pdf file should be handed in at least one week prior to the examination of the report.

11. Grade

Once you have handed in the final version of the thesis as pdf file to the secretaryand completed all the required activities indicated in the exit form, a grade will be assigned during your final examination, accordingly to the evaluation form. The grade is then reported to the student administration by the secretary of BPE.

Guidelines MSc theses

1. Orientation

Prerequisite courses MSc thesis: 6 credits among the following BPE courses:

Some of the MSc thesis projects are also available for students who combined BPE20806 Separation Process Design (or any equivalent course) with: BPE35306, BPE33803, AFI31806, BPE33803, BPE35803 or BCT32306.

As preparation, obtain a preliminary impression on the general research themes and thesis projects at the Bioprocess Engineering department. Do this at least 4 months in advance.

2. Subject choice, planning, and contract

Contact the contact person of the research theme or thesis project(s) that interest you. Once you have made your choice and agreed with your supervisor(s) on duration (i.e. credit points), scope of the thesis and the starting date, then start a CASE in OSIRIS, where the whole Thesis procedure is implemented.

Ask to be registered to the brightspace page of Thesis to There you can find all the instructions and forms.

3. Thesis agreements

Fill out the appropriate MSc learning agreement in OSIRIS.

4. Dates, key, etcetera

On one of the first days of your thesis project, visit the BPE secretary to:

  • be added in the mailinglist
  • pick dates for research presentations talk (see item 5 below)
  • arrange access to the building with your main supervisor
  • request a network working space
  • get a locker key

5. Safety & environment

Before you may enter the laboratory you need to receive instructions with respect to safety and environment.


Attending the departmental Safety lecture at its first occurrence is compulsory (dates will be posted).

6. Work assignment

Set up a written outline of your research plan and discuss it in the thesis ring. After it has been discussed in the thesis ring you discuss it with your supervisor. See download menu on the right for a Format of the Work Assignment.

7. Evaluation talk

Approximately half-way the project, the progress is evaluated by you and the supervisor(s), accordingly to this evaluation form. All aspects of the thesis project (project plan, supervision, performance) are considered. The progress evaluation is also a good moment to provide feedback to your supervisors, for example to discuss any shortcomings in your supervision and agree on improvement. In case of a “fail”, you will have to look for another project and start again.

8. Introductory presentation and colloquium

Theses starts with a 10-min Introductory presentation (after 3 weeks max) and ends with a 20-min Colloquium. The 10 and 20-min time spans exclude discussion time. All BPE students are obliged to attend these presentations.

Scheduling of these presentations can be done online using a number of simple instructions.

Presentations above are not open to the general public; attendance is by invitation only and according to the confidentiality rules of Wageningen University.

9. Termination of thesis work

When you finish your practical thesis work you have to do all the actions indicated in the exit form.

10. Thesis report

Writing the thesis is part of the thesis project: you should reserve enough time for this activity. Three weeks before the final date, at least the outline and contents should be ready. A draft version (digital word version) should be handed in to the supervisor, who will make suggestions/comments for the final version. The final report pdf file should be handed in at least one week prior to the examination of the report.

11. Grade

Once you have handed in the final version of the thesis as pdf file to the secretaryand completed all the required activities reported in the exit form, a grade will be assigned during your final examination, accordingly to the evaluation form. The grade is then reported to the student administration by the secretary of BPE.