Education on or integrating Intersectional Gender Studies

Below we list the education at Wageningen University & Research that focusses or integrates an intersectional gender and/or decolonial perspective as far as known to us.


Wageningen University & Research offers courses that are focused on or integrate an intersectional gender studies perspective.


BSc- and MSc-students can do a gender thesis under supervision of one of the people working on intersectional gender studies. We recommend to at least follow one gender course as preparation. If this person is working in a group that is not part of your study programme, you can ask your supervisor to share the supervision to include her or his expertise as well.


There are several opportunities for students to do an internship with a focus on intersectional gender.

For students

As student you can contact any of the people working on intersectional gender studies to discuss internship possibilities with their existing contacts at organisations and institutions which focus on intersectional gender in a specific theme or are open to include this. Or you can find an internship on your own and contact one of the persons listed to be your (co-)supervisor during the internship.

For organisations, companies and institutions

As an organisation you can benefit from the expertise and skills of WUR-students who are in their second year of their Master education. If you are an organisation, company or institution and you have an internship possibility available, please contact:

PhD options

Around the specific areas of Wageningen University & Research you might propose lecturers to co­supervise you as PhD-candidate.

The PhD-educational programmes of the WUR Graduate Schools offer the opportunity to include, organise and/or participate in PhD courses that focus on or integrate an intersectional gender perspective.