dr. A (Arijana) Susa

dr. A (Arijana) Susa

WR Onderzoeker

I was born in Croatia where I obtained my MSc degree in Chemical Engineering-Materials science, with focus on Polymers at the University of Zagreb. In 2019 I obtained my PhD at the TU Delft, faculty of Aerospace Engineering on biobased polymers that are capable to self-heal cuts and scratches autonomously at room temperature.

Since October 2017 I work at Wageningen Food and Biobased Research. Currently my role there is Business Developer Manager in the field of sustainable chemistry and materials.

I create ideas for new projects, perform market research, set up partnerships, collaborations and contracts with new clients. I manage teams of project leaders to help program-managers come up with acquisition planning and comply with sustainability strategies. Often I also perform consultancy services to organizations in the form of workshops and desk-studies, guiding them on how to improve their environmental footprint. My domain comprise sustainable alternatives for various chemicals, polymers/plastics, fibres for paper and textiles for applications such as paints, dyes, detergents, cosmetics, coatings, adhesives, packaging, clothing, electronics, automotive and construction materials. I also build projects in recycling, solutions to the plastic pollution in the open environment (“Plastic Soup”) and sea life restoration (coral and other reefs, acidification prevention, etc.)

I enjoy building bridges between science & real-life applications. Outgoing and versatile, I find common language with people of different cultural and professional backgrounds. By exploring the potential of natural materials, my personal goal is to find solutions for a sustainable coexistence between humans and the environment.