dr.ir. JGPW (Jan) Clevers

dr.ir. JGPW (Jan) Clevers

Externe medewerker

Dr. Jan Clevers has been a member of Wageningen University since 1981, where he conducts research towards the application of remote sensing in environmental sciences. He graduated in agronomy at Wageningen University and was awarded a PhD at the same university in 1986. The topic of his dissertation was on the application of remote sensing to agricultural field trials and he developed a practical applicable reflectance model for estimating crop characteristics. His present activities concern the continuation of the developments of vegetation indices and optical reflectance models (including bi-directionale reflectance and hyperspectral measurements), the linking to crop growth models, and land cover mapping using remote sensing data at different scales. As daily supervisor he has been involved in more than 15 PhD studies providing scientific guidance in coaching the writing of the respective PhD theses. He has been involved in more than 70 peer reviewed papers as (co-)author. Currently Dr. Clevers is an associate professor and lecturer in remote sensing at Wageningen University.

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