J (Jolien) Klok

J (Jolien) Klok


Trained as a sociologist (BSc) and cultural anthropologist (MSc) at Utrecht University, I completed a PhD in sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My previous experience lies in the field of migration, where I worked mainly on transnationalism and integration. Having had a long lasting dream to study rural issues, I started working as a researcher and lecturer at the Rural sociology group in 2021. The overlap in the two fields lies in my interest in how people relate to places and how they give meaning to specific localities. At Rural sociology I focus mainly on the Dutch context, studying for instance farmer’s everyday experiences and identities against the backdrop of increasing societal pressure to transition to more sustainable farming. Furthermore, I am interested in how issues of belonging and identity unfold on the countryside more generally. I am open to further develop my expertise in migration and apply it to rural contexts.