JPE (Julie) Roelandt MSc

JPE (Julie) Roelandt MSc


The research project I'm currently doing, is about healthy lifestyle among teenagers in a diverse neighborhoud- a neighborhoud with large differences in e.g. income and health aspects such as youth obesity. I want to understand what healhy living means to the teenagers, investigate how their lifestyle and health are influenced by social determinants, and finally, together with teenagers and local organizations, co-create actions to promote healthy behaviours and/or circumstances. 

My educational background is in medicine (Msc) and global health (Msc), this last one is by nature an interdisciplinary program. 

The societal impact I hope to make, is by contributing to more social justice in the world through my work. I'm interested in social (incl. economic, political, environmental) determinants of health, consequences of capitalism, global justice, mental wellbeing and connection to nature/all other living beings. Also, I'm very interested in working circumstances and wrote my Msc thesis about heat illness in sugercane workers. In my 'personal life', I want to spread kindness, empathy and understanding.