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Education - Y (Yousra) Makanse MSc

Master's: EMTM - European Master in Tourism Management
University of Southern Denmark, University of Ljubljana, and Universitat de Girona
Kolding (Denmark), Ljubljana (Slovenia), and Girona (Spain)
Aug 2015 – Dec 2017

The Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) is a two-year world-class integrated programme aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the huge challenges in contemporary tourism. The main aim of EMTM is to prepare future professionals who will embrace responsibility in tourism institutions making sustainable and effective decisions. EMTM provides students with an integrated knowledge of the dynamics of tourism development, sustainable management, the role of cultural diversity, innovation, and governance in tourism and provides training for future researchers in the field of tourism management.


Bachelor's: Leisure and Tourism
USP - Universidade de São Paulo 
São Paulo, Brazil 
Jan 2009 – Dec 2012

The BA in Leisure and Tourism works in several areas as well as in tourism planning, organization of events, entertainment, cultural activities, gastronomy, hospitality, historical and cultural heritage, sustainable development, and in the use of leisure spaces and equipment.

Due to the participation of Brazil in events of great international prominence, the market is expanding and offers opportunities in tourism agencies and operators, hotels, airlines, cultural and sports centers, public and private parks, third sector institutions, in addition to activities in public administration.