
Putting Seed Sector Transformation in Practice

We have seen transformation becoming increasingly central to discussions around food systems, but what exactly does that mean?

Organised by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Wed 22 June 2022 14:00 to 17:30

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

In this seminar we examine the cases of the seed sectors in Ethiopia and Nigeria and look at what partnerships are doing to enable farmers’ access to quality seed of new, improved, and preferred varieties. Join policymakers, practitioners, industry leaders, and scholars to share and learn lessons on what it means to put the ambition of seed sector transformation into practice.

From Ethiopia and Nigeria, we will hear about two relevant experiences: uniting stakeholders behind a shared strategy for transformation; and exploring the potential of companies to contribute and engage in public-private partnerships in the seed sector.

We will reflect on how the value propositions of the Netherlands can enhance the transformative potential of partnerships in Ethiopia, Nigeria and beyond. We will conclude the afternoon with a reception and cocktail for more informal networking among participants.


  • Open a dialogue for sharing, discussing, and learning lessons from putting the ambition of seed sector transformation into practice in Ethiopia and Nigeria;
  • Create the opportunity for seed sector policymakers, practitioners, industry leaders, and scholars from the different countries to meet, exchange, and explore their shared interests;
  • Reflect on how the value propositions of the Netherlands can enhance the transformative potential of partnerships in Ethiopia, Nigeria and beyond.


Time Activity
14:00 Welcome and opening Hedwig Bruggeman, Business Unit Manager, WCDI
Coosje Hoogendoorn, Interim Director, SeedNL team
14:15 Introduction to the partnerships in Ethiopia and Nigeria Mohammed Hassena, ENSP Manager, SWR Ethiopia
Chinedu Agbara, CSP Manager, Sahel Consulting
14:30 Panel discussion 1: seed sector strategy in Nigeria Chinedu Agbara, CSP Manager, Sahel Consulting
Marja Thijssen, Seed Sector Adviser, WCDI
Okelola Folarin, Technical Adviser to the DG, NASC
Stephen Oludapo Adigun, Communication Officer, SEEDAN
15:15 Panel discussion 2: PPPs in the seed sector in Ethiopia Mohammed Hassena, ENSP Manager, SWR Ethiopia
Gareth Borman, Seed Sector Adviser, WCDI
Kingsley Ngwa Muyo, Area Manager of East and West Africa, Enza Zaden
Coosje Hoogendoorn, Interim Director, SeedNL team
16:00 Wrap up and concluding remarks Wijnand van Ijssel, Senior Policy Advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
16:15 Reception Drinks and bites for informal networking

Convened by

The seminar is convened by Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), with Stichting Wageningen Research in Ethiopia (SWR Ethiopia) and Sahel Consulting in Nigeria, in collaboration with the SeedNL team. SWR Ethiopia leads the Ethiopia-Netherlands Seed Partnership (ENSP) while Sahel Consulting is in the lead for the Collaborative Seed Programme (CSP) of the Nigeria-Netherlands Seed Partnership (NNSP). Both ENSP and NNSP are flagship initiatives of SeedNL.

SeedNL is a partnership between the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Plantum, the association for the plant reproduction material sector, in the Netherlands. SeedNL contributes to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG2 ‘End Hunger’. SeedNL aims to strengthen the seed sector in developing countries, provide appropriate access to quality seeds for all farmers and increase productivity and farmer income.