
WYA 10 Years: How to neither burnout yourself, nor your PhD student

Working in academia is often a stressful experience. For yourself, but also for your PhD students and postdocs. Do you know how to recognize stress? Can you recognize it in others? What to do? How to juggle between taking care of your PhD student and your responsibility to finish projects on time? Who is responsible if your PhD student cannot cope? How can we create a healthy work environment?

Organised by Wageningen Young Academy

Tue 29 November 2022 15:30

Venue Zodiac, building number 122
De Elst 1
6708 WD Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 483953
Room A0108

For – UD/ UHD/ Prof

In this workshop Hester van Bockel, occupational social worker at Wageningen University, will give a short introduction on the topic. Afterwards cases will be discussed. To sign up for the meeting and share a case if you like, use the following link or the QR code:

QRCode for WYA 10 years_ Burnout.png
WYA 10 Years Logo.png