Thesis subject

Healthy and sustainable rice farming in Sumatra

What are the trade-offs between increased production and sustainable rice systems in South Sumatra?

Background to the study

State initiatives to raise agricultural production are often targeted at farmer groups. Support may consist of input subsidies, service providers for machines, and linkages with markets. This could translate to higher adoption of sustainable technologies. Is this really the case?

In South Sumatra, there are varied interventions that targets increasing rice production for food security and also creating supportive conditions so that this would be profitable for farmers.

This study will look into the effect of interventions directed at collectives in farming communities, and whether these have an effect on the adoption of sustainable farming practices in the area. It will be implemented in collaboration with the BPTP South Sumatra and IRRI. It will entail field work for 2-3 months, doing interviews of varied stakeholder groups as well as farmers.

Type of research

Interviews, focus groups. Primarily qualitative.

Type of student