Thesis subject

‘Learning the City’; Towards a Circular Binckhorst?

A living lab approach to (story)mapping : an inclusive language for developing a ‘circular Binckhorst’ from below?

The Binckhorst is a post-industrial harbour area in The Hague. The area is in transition. The policy ambition is to make the Binckhorst a circular neighbourhood for mixed living and working. However, current entrepreneurs and societal organisations are at risk of being displaced by the current developments, notably rising real estate and land prices. The question is what ‘circularity’ and the current developments mean for this neighbourhood and its surroundings, and how, if it all, the developments could become more inclusive and grounded in participatory research approaches. Recent activities involve storymapping and there is already an overview of circular practices at work.

The ACCEZ linked-in website might provide some further insights.

Type of research

Qualitative: visits to various entrepreneurs / interviews / filming / other ethnographic work, participatory research methodologies. Some experience with GIS based communication instruments (notably storymapping) is a plus but could also be developed during the research project. A location to work in the Binckhorst is available.

Type of student

There are several possibilities, please discuss because the project could be adapted to your own preferences.