Thesis subject

Rainfall-runoff and sediment modelling in Navarre, N-Spain

Models are important tools to estimate what effect changes in landscape  structure, climate and landuse have on the runoff and sediment discharge from a catchment. Numerous models have been developed, ranging from conceptual to completely physical based and it is typically up to the user (scientist) to decide which model is best suitable for his/her needs. One of the main challenges these days is therefore not creating a model from scratch, but choosing an existing model that is suitable for the research question - possibly to be adapted.

The objective of this thesis will be to model runoff and sediment discharge in an area in northern Spain with a suitable and possibly adapted existing model. Two catchments are studied, both several hectares large. Model calibration and validation data are available. The climate in the north of Spain is agreeable.

Students: 1 or 2

Required: GIS/Modelling skills. Some Spanish skills can help but this is not needed

Duration: 24 ECTS (minimum), 36 ECTS (typical)

Location: Pamplona, Navarre, Spain and Wageningen, the Netherlands

Period: any

Supervision: Arnaud Temme (SGL) and Rens Masselink (SLM)

Theme: Soil development and landscape evolution