Igor - PhD - PostDoc WUR - May 2020

Personal experience from Igor: Job hunt experience in the Netherlands:

I arrived to Wageningen in February 2020. The search for a job started a few months before, just before I defended my PhD thesis in Geography. The target were research institutes and universities in the Netherlands in the research and industrial fields. During my search, I was lucky to have a great support of the Student’s career service at the WUR. Astrid and her co-workers gave me great ideas how to improve my CV and cover letter. Furthermore, they gave me many suggestions where to search for a job, where to learn Dutch and how to integrate in the living in Wageningen. I also visited a great LinkedIn online course, organized by Student’s career service. My partner was also a great help with her ideas end support since she is already employed at the WUR.

I visited the job fair at the WUR, where I contacted with several companies. I was applying to job offers in the research and industry fields in the Netherlands and EU. For the most universities I applied for a newsletter, to get fresh job offers. I used several platforms to find the job offers (e.g. LinkedIn, Researchgate). After few job interviews, I was accepted to the PostDoc position at the WUR.