Thesis subject
MSc study on inclusion
Conviventia, a Colombian NGO, likes to learn more in-depth how processes of in/exclusion function presently in its programmes and organisation, especially with regard to physically disabled people. This could relate to simple issues as physical barriers for this group to join education and workshops venues or transport that is not able to cater to their special needs. But other types of barriers may also exist, such as negative attitudes (stigma and self-stigma), lack of consultation and lack of knowledge and skills of project staff. The idea is that the student will explore current practice, identify key barriers for inclusion, help Conviventia to start and conduct a pilot, and assist in new organisational procedures and practices that allow for greater inclusion of disabled people.
The selected MSc student will further prepare the study with Conviventia in terms of methodological preparation and logistical issues. Main contact for Conviventia will be Jovany Herrera(Director of Knowledge Management). For Wageningen University formal supervision will be provided via MSc coordinator Joanne Leerlooijer.
The student should be able to conduct the research in Spanish, be willing to work in Colombia for X months and produce a report in English with Spanish summary. Co supervision will be provided by Woord & Daad KM Wim Blok (W.Blok@woordendaad.nl)