Student information
MSc Thesis topic: Evaluate AgroDataCube usability for Agro/Food application use cases
(Open) big data offer research and business community opportunities to explore and create new insights in environmental domains by using data science methods and techniques to access, analyse and visualize big data repositories. Big data poses also new challenges related to access, usability, storage, analysis, legal and ethical issues.
AgroDataCube is an initiative of WUR to strengthen a data driven innovation by providing various open data and stimulating their use and exchange in various agro/food applications. The overall objective of this topic is to evaluate the big data AgroDataCube repository in the context of the (to be determined) use case where big data can potentially contribute to new insights and innovative ideas.
- To define a use case where AgroDataCube repository can be applied
- To develop a method to evaluate the usability of AgroDataCube for the defined use case
- To evaluate the AgroDataCube usability (technical and/or organizational) aspects for the defined usecase.
Theme(s): Sensing & measuring, Empowering & engaging communities