SG - Signs of Protest
Workshop by Jaap Scheeren
After a short introduction into the variations and creativity in protesting signage, you will make yourself a protest sign that fits your current mood and state of being.
21:00 to 22:00, 21 May - Impulse
About Jaap Scheeren

Jaap Scheeren (Nijmegen, 1979). Photographer, father of two, lives and works in Amsterdam. In his own works as well as in commissioned work he tries to stay on the narrow path of reliability.He is focussed on the estrangement and pretty environment and its inhabitants. He made at least five publications; The Black Hole (i.c.w. Anouk Kruithof), Oma Toos, a Slovakian fairytale book called 3 Roses, 9 Ravens, 12 Months and together with Hans Gremmen a research into printing named Fake Flowers in Full Colour. His 10 year overview book was supposed to be a website, but turned out as a book titled Jaap Scheeren Cut Shaving. His most recent effort took years because he was too tired to finish anything and perhaps had a midlife crisis he was unaware off. BUT, is a great photonovel titled Flipping The Bird, a tale about a person wanting to reconnect to nature and natures respond to him. Besides this, he worked on commissions for FOAM magazine, NY Times magazine, Wallpaper, The Guardian, Das Magazin and Hyeres photography and fashion festival among too many others.