WASS fellow criteria
The Board of WASS has established the criteria for becoming fellow of Wageningen School of Social Sciences. These criteria have become valid for new applications for fellowship as from 1/10/2016.
To be recognised as a (candidate/associate) fellow the following conditions will be assessed.
Criteria for candidate fellowship
- PhD degree
- Research time at least 0.2 fte
- Adhere to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice, the Integrity Code of Wageningen UR, and the WU Recommendations for Authorship in Scientific Publications
- Assessment of curriculum vitae and publication list
- Candidate fellowship is limited to a duration of 3 years
Criteria for fellowship
- PhD degree
- Tenure Track publication criteria at the entrance level of UD2
- Research time at least 0.2 fte
- Adhere to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice, the Integrity Code of Wageningen UR, and the WU Recommendations for Authorship in Scientific Publications
- Supervision of PhD candidates
- Contributions to the scientific community, in at least three of the following four areas:
PhD training
Organisation of activities that enhance cooperation and interdisciplinary debate in WASS
Review of papers/manuscripts and proposals
Active membership of scientific committees (for instance under WASS, SSG, WUR, NWO, KNAW, EU, international networks etc.)
WASS fellows that do not fulfil these criteria can become or remain WASS fellow if they ‘compensate’ one of the existing criteria by ‘outperforming’ (far above the average) in at least one of the following areas:
· Chapters and book publications with C-rated academic publishing houses, (co)editor of special issues of journals or scientific edited volumes;
· Societal impact and contributions to societal debate and societal change
Rather than quantifying the level of ‘outperformance’ the Board leaves decisions on this to the discretionary power of the Scientific Director.
Criteria for associate fellowship
- senior researcher and/or extraordinary chair with special societal or other specific relevance for WASS.