Video Archive

Watch this page for postings of Studium Generale event recordings. Click on the link next to the still frame video slide to begin viewing the recording via Some links only work in Google Chrome.

I am looking for an extra challenge outside of the usual scientific niche in which I find myself. In particular, the interdisciplinarity and the possibility of reflection on personal, scientific and social issues appeal to me.







Feminism: The Rise of Anti-Feminism (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Dr. Conny Roggeband (University of Amsterdam)

31 October 2019

Feminism: One Feminism?

Dr. Katrine Smiet (Radboud University Nijmegen)

29 October 2019

Effective Sleep - Mental Rest and Recovery

Dr. Yannick Balk (University of Amsterdam)

15 October 2019

Effective Sleep - Sleep Hacking (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Dr. M. Dresler (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging)

8 October 2019

Effective Sleep - Understanding Sleep

Dr. L. Genzel (M.D.) (Radboud University)

1 October 2019

Under Pressure - Stress to be the best (Studium Generale Open Mind Lab)

Prof. dr. Michael Ungar (Dalhousie University, Canada)

6 June 2019

Sand, Sea and Safety (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Ad Stolk (Rijkswaterstaat)

28 May 2019

The Relativity of Scarcity (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Dr. Michiel van der Meulen (Geological Survey of the Netherlands, TNO)

27 May 2019

Sand Scarcity - In Search of Solutions (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Prof. dr. Pascal Peduzzi (UNEP/GRID Genève (United Nations Environment Programme) and University of Genève)

23 May 2019

Running Out Of Sand (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Vince Beiser (Freelance journalist and author)

22 May 2019

Forces of Life: does synthetic biology imply the end of vitalism?

Dr. Cecila Bognon, University of Paris 7, and IHPST – CNRS

18 April 2019

Framing Global Poverty

Dr. Mirjam Vossen

8 April 2019

Music and the Brain

Dr. Artur Jaschke (VU University Amsterdam)

3 April 2019

Searching for the Origins of Musicality

Prof. dr. Carel ten Cate (Leiden University)

27 March 2019

Religious Nationalism in Bolsonaro’s Brazil

Dr. Carly Machado, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Brazil

26 March 2019

Science and Politics: Friends or Foes? (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Prof dr. ir. Katrien Termeer

20 March 2019

Science and Politics; A Sharp Line

Prof dr. R. Rabbinge (WUR)

12 March 2019

Trade-Offs in Sustainability Transitions

Prof. dr. Katrina Brown (University of Exeter)

12 February 2019

The Future of Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians: Seeking Peace Through the Lenses of Law and Human Rights'

Dr. Jeff Handmaker (Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University)

5 February 2019

The Future of Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians: Peace in Practice

Evi Guggenheim Shbeta and Samah Salaime (Wahat al-Salam - Neve Shalom)

29 January 2019

Young and Lonely: The Science of Loneliness (podcast; audio only)

Dr. Marlies Maes (KU Leuven)

15 January 2019


The Force of Common Sense: Responsibility without expert witnesses

Prof. dr. Jan Bransen (Radboud University Nijmegen)

4 December 2018

The Force of Common Sense: Understanding Without Objectivity

Prof. dr. Jan Bransen (Radboud University Nijmegen)

27 November 2018

The Force of Common Sense: Waking up without Science

Prof. dr. Jan Bransen (Radboud University Nijmegen)

20 November 2018

Money, Trust and Control: The Future of Money

Simon Lelieveldt (payment system expert)

13 November 2018

Money, Trust and Control: Money on the Move

Prof. dr. Wim Boonstra (VU University Amsterdam)

6 November 2018

Money, Trust and Control: A History of Money

Prof. dr. Joost Jonker (University of Amsterdam)

30 October 2018

Aging - Living Long and Healthy in the Blue Zone

Prof. dr. Erik Buskens, University of Groningen

9 October 2018

What is the Maximum Age of a Human Being?

Prof. dr. Bas Zwaan (WUR)

2 October 2018

Nationalism’s Comeback: Identity and Belonging

Dr. Krisztina Lajosi-Moore (University of Amsterdam)

25 September 2018

Rethinking Stagnating Cities

Prof. dr. Sabine Meier (University Siegen) & Maurice Hermans (NEIMED)

19 June 2018

Shrinkage in the Countryside

Prof. dr. ir. Bettina Bock, Wageningen University & Research

12 June 2018

The Ins and Outs of Regional Shrinkage

Dr. Marco Bontje, University of Amsterdam

5 June 2018

Impacts of Conflict Across Generations

Prof. Rolf Kleber, Barta Nauta (& Inez Schelfhout), Utrecht University, Arq Center of Excellence on War, Persecution and Violence, Centrum '45

24 April 2018

Social Diversity in Human-Nature Relations

Dr. Annet Pauwelussen, Leiden University

9 April 2018

Hunger Finally Defeated Forever?: Why are some world regions more food insecure than others? (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Prof dr. E. Frankema & dr. M. de Haas Wageningen University

27 March 2018

100 Years of University-Industry Relationships

Dr. ir. Harro Maat, Wageningen University & Research

20 March 2018

Untying the Knots of Slavery

Prof. Kevin Bales, Nottingham University

15 March 2018

100 Years of Research on Climate Adaptation

Dr. ir. Harro Maat, Wageningen University & Research

13 March 2018

Plant Philosophy: the Green Darwin; what is it like to be a plant (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

N. Peeters | RUL

6 February 2018

Plant Philosophy: the Green Darwin about Dinner and Dates (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

N. Peeters | RUL

30 January 2018


Prof. dr. Ad Vingerhoets Tilburg University

23 January 2018

Acculturative Stress (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Dr. Michael Bender Tilburg University

16 January 2018


Online Political Microtargeting

Dr. Balázs Bodó, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam

21 November 2017

Rethinking Economic Relations

Prof. Dr. René Kemp Maastricht University

16 November 2017

Corporations as Political Institutions?

Dr. Rutger Claassen Utrecht University

7 November 2017

What History Tells Us About Markets

Prof. Dr. Bas Bavel Utrecht University

31 October 2017

Creative Discovery

Prof. Dr. Mieke Boon University of Twente

10 October 2017

Conceiving Creativity

Dr. Matthijs Baas University of Amsterdam

3 October 2017

What about the Anthropocene? World Politics in the Anthropocene

Prof. dr. Frank Biermann

19 September 2017

Education for sustainability: How to Build Responsibility into Academic Practice

Prof dr. Ph. Macnaghten Wageningen University & Research

29 June 2017

Education for sustainability: Is Technology our Planet’s last resort?

Dr. Pieter Lemmens Wageningen University & Research

27 June 2017

The Quantified Self, Privacy and Autonomy

Marjolein Lanzing Eindhoven University of Technology

7 June 2017

Education for sustainability: Are we educated to destroy the World?

Prof dr. A. Wals Wageningen University & Research

6 June 2017

Designing the Quantified Self

Prof. dr. Aarnout Brombacher Eindhoven University of Technology

30 May 2017

The Quantified Self as the Road Towards Self-Improvement? (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn Eindhoven University of Technology

22 May 2017

State and Religion: Secularism, Identity & Neutrality

Dr. Pooyan Tamimi Arab  University of Amsterdam

25 April 2017

State and Religion - Religion and the Public Realm

Dr. Hans-Martien ten Napel, Leiden University

18 April 2017

What We Owe to Fish

Dr. Franck Meijboom, Utrecht University

13 April 2017

What Fish Feel

Dr. Ruud van den Bos

Radboud University

6 April 2017

The Inner Lives of Fish

Dr. Jonathan Balcombe

29 March 2017

Time in Biology

Prof. dr. Menno Gerkema University of Groningen

21 March 2017

The Philosophy of Time

Dr. Victor Gijsbers Leiden University

14 March 2017

Time in Language

Prof. dr. Henriëtte de Swart Utrecht University

7 March 2017

UN-Doing It: The UN & Economic Power

Prof. dr. Rolph van der Hoeven Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

2 March 2017

UN-Doing IT: The UN, Carrots & Sticks

Dr. Otto Spijkers, Utrecht University

22 February 2017

Cheating: Lying in Everyday Life (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Dr. Wolfgang Steinel Leiden University

7 February 2017

Cheating: cheating as a Product of Evolution (only accessible to WUR students and employees)

Dr. Martijn Egas University of Amsterdam

31 January 2017

Democracy under pressure: a populist Zeitgeist?

Dr. Matthijs Rooduijn Utrecht University

17 January 2017

Democracy under pressure: The Pressure of Democracy

Prof. dr. Evert van der Zweerde Radboud University

10 January 2017


Unconditional Basic Income: A Case of Social Experimentation

Ronald Mulder, Sjir Hoeijmakers, and Julia Backhaus

6 December 2016

Unconditional Basic Income: Unfair Equality?

Prof. dr. Alfred Kleinknecht Emeritus Professor of Economics

29 November 2016

Unconditional Basic Income: Adapting Society to the Changing World of Work?

Dr. Marcel Canoy Erasmus School of Accounting & Assurance (ESAA)

22 November 2016

Animals as Legal Persons: The Struggle of the Nonhuman Rights Project to Attain Legal Personhood for Nonhuman Animals

Steven Wise, founder and president of the Nonhuman Rights Project

13 November 2016

Frankenstein, The Beauty of Terror of Science

Dr. Henk van den Belt Wageningen University & Research

8 November 2016

The Ethics of Animal Legal Personhood

Dr. Bernice Bovenkerk, Wageningen University & Research

4 October 2016

Revolutionary Trends in Biotechnology and the Social Debate: Responsible Innovation

Prof. dr. Phil Macnaghten University of Campinas (Brazil) and Durham University (UK)

27 September 2016

Revolutionary Trends in Biotechnology and the Social Debate: Genome editing

Dr. Bert Lotz and Dr. Rene Smulders Wageningen University & Research

20 September 2016

Revolutionary Trends in Biotechnology and the Social Debate: Trends

Dr. Volkert Beekman Wageningen University and Research

13 September 2016

Prior to 2016

Our video archive is undergoing a thorough renovation. This includes revision of early recording experiments undertaken at various venues. Technically compatible items prior to 2016 will be shared as they become available.

PhD course: Complex dynamics in and between social and eco-systems

Lecture: Complexity and regime changes in long term perspectives

Part 1 - prof dr. Bert de Vries: In search of sustainabilityPart 2 - prof dr. Joop Goudsblom: The expanding anthroposphere or the unplanned outcome of planned human actions

2 May 2007