Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: Exemplary Practices from around the world

A Whole School Approach (WSA) provides a framework for re-orienting and redesigning education considering emerging global sustainability challenges. It invites a holistic, systemic, co-creative and reflexive effort by all stakeholders involved in education to meaningfully engage students in complex sustainability challenges. This report provides provides an analysis of practical examples of the use of a WSA to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) - Quality Education for all, and all the other connecting SDGs.

The report serves as one of the key inputs for the WSA International hybrid Conference held on the 28 - 30th of March 2022, Lunteren, The Netherlands, organised by SME Advies. With the help of multiple practitioners connected to the school examples which are mentioned in each case study, this report has been prepared by researchers Rosalie Mathie of The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and Arjen Wals of Wageningen University in The Netherlands.

You can download the report down below

Download individual chapters and case studies from the report

Section II Case studies from around the world

Download section III and IV

Graphic design, cover and illustrations: Nicolette Tauecchio (Nicniq)
Copy editor: Siri Elise Dybdal

This Whole School Approaches to Sustainability report was made possible by the program DuurzaamDoor and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in The Netherlands.

Additional Resources on Whole School Approaches to Sustainability