
Introduction week draws some 2,500 students

August 24, 2018

In total, 2,385 new students participated in the Annual Introduction Days last week – about the same number as last year.

Starting on Friday, several fun and fascinating activities were offered to introduce students to Wageningen, the university or Aeres, and student life. Like always, the goal was to help first-year students feel more at home in the city and at their institute.

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is welcoming international Bachelor's students for the first time this year, approximately 75 in total. Food Technology and Environmental Sciences attracted a relatively high number of students, while Animal Sciences, International Land and Water Management, and Soil, Water, Atmosphere have significantly fewer enrolments. EU students do have until the end of August to enrol, so student numbers are still expected to rise. The five English-language bachelors are pilot programmes. An evaluation will be held after three years.