
New colleague Annika Meuche joined ELS per February 2024

February 15, 2024

I am Annika Meuche and as of this month I join the team of the education minor in the role of a coach (and motivator for the beautiful teaching profession).

Since I benefited a lot from this minor ten years ago, I am enormously looking forward to this beautiful role.

Furthermore, I secretly consider my life as retirement life, filled with: my job as a teacher for green education at the Aeres Vmbo, as psychologist at an online prevention program of the AMC, as freelance teacher for organic agriculture in different projects in Mozambique, and as collector of multiple bachelors and masters diplomas (because learning is just so beautiful :) such as currently the Master Organic Agriculture, within which I get to write my thesis on educational social care farms with Renate. In between, this pension life is enriched with beautiful long-distance cycling and trekking trips (various caminos in Spain, Nepal, USA... but also every NS hike in the beautiful Netherlands). If you have some suggestions, please let me know J

I am looking forward for the upcoming months with you.