Project 'INTERCEDE' kicks off
This project aims to enhance the value of European forests to Europe's citizens.
INTERCEDE stands for 'Incentivising future forest ecosystem services and incomes in Europe'. This is a four-year Horizon Europe project which started in March to tap the potential of market-based approaches to encourage forest owners to manage their forests in such ways as to provide valuable benefits and services to society.
Forest ecosystem services (FES) such as carbon removal, biodiversity protection, improved water management and recreational services are much sought after, in addition to being essential. However, these are not necessarily valued, particularly not in monetary terms. This project aims to identify and upscale market-based instruments, develop policy framewords and guidelines, and reduce the gap between high-level research and policy and practice.
FNP will be the leading organisation within this project to research into the socio-political dimensions of PES (Payment for Ecosystem Services) and MBI (Market-Based Instruments) schemes.
Its research team comprises Georg Winkel, Marko Lovric, Marjanke Hoogstra and a PhD student who is being recruited.
For more information about INTERCEDE, see the project page.
The photograph shows the project team at the kick-off in Copenhagen on March 7 and 8.