Simon Tans joins the Law Group
Simon Tans specializes in international trade law in a broad sense. His PhD (from Radboud University Nijmegen), and subsequent research centers on EU law, WTO law, Free Trade Agreements, and the manner in which international trade obligations are implemented in the national legal order. His current research is focused on the manner in which international trade obligations hinder initiatives to protect the environment and address climate change such as the EU Green Deal. He has acted as the scientific leader of two expert studies for the EU Commission and has presented as expert to the Members of the WTO during a thematic meeting.
Simon has vast teaching experience in international public law, EU internal market law, WTO law and EU administrative law. He has acted as board member of the Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre responsible for educational development and innovation. He also has extensive experience in educational design, including designing a new honours programme (Law in Action) an online examination system without proctoring in times of Corona, an interdisciplinary course on nature conservation involving ecology students, law students and management students.