Education Experience Team

The Education Experience Team supports WUR’s educational community by answering education-related questions and developing services and policies. We use creative and effective methods to understand needs and ideas, aiming to improve the quality of education.

The team consists of 6 members. Nadieh Tubben organizes and manages communication. Luuk Bolscher and Nienke Raeven are analysts. Zuleika Burghout handles operational and administrative tasks for the team.

Team updated November 2023 n1.jpg
Team updated March 2024 (2).jpg

f.l.t.r. Nadieh Tubben, Luuk Bolscher, Nienke Raeven, Zuleika Burghout

Team members

Nadieh Tubben

My name is Nadieh Tubben and I am coordinating the recruitment of teachers and students within the Education Experience Team. Together with Ananya we will try to inform as many people as possible about the importance of Edcuation Experience. I really like the fact that the wishes and needs of students and teachers is centralised within the different projects of WUR. Thereby I work with clients to prepare sessions and follow up with them on made improvements.

Luuk Bolscher

My name is Luuk and I’m one of the Analysts within the team. My main job is to analyze the information we gather in the different group sessions and present it in an attractive, visual way. We use these reports to present our findings to different stakeholders within WUR, so that the valuable insights students, teachers and employees provide us with can actually be incorporated into different services, (IT-)systems and other aspects of our university. I’m an analytically driven person and find most of my joy in puzzling with our data and creatively presenting the outcomes.

Nienke Raeven

Hi, my name is Nienke and I'm a bit of an all-rounder in the team. I work together with clients to prepare sessions. I analyse the input given and visualise the findings to provide actionable insight for change. Next to that, I work on development: of our methods and our cooperation with other teams at WUR, to make sure we provide insights and make impact in an optimal way. I am interested in people. I like to understand and help reshape patterns, so conditions improve. This is what drives me. The variety and creative aspect of our work makes it a lot of fun!

Zuleika Burghout

My name is Zuleika and I provide operational and administrative support in this team. This means I assist with the registrations, preparation and data for the sessions. I also organize (recurring) events and evaluations. As a former WUR student, I’m excited to be a part of this team and implement valuable input from students and staff in order to further improve the education at WUR. Hope to meet you all soon at the sessions!