dr. ACL (Alanya) den Boer

dr. ACL (Alanya) den Boer

Coordinator Citizen Science & Wageningen Science Shop

I am Citizen Science coordinator of WUR, which means that I work on capacity building for Citizen Science within WUR. In addition, I am a coordinator of the Wageningen Science Shop, which aims to bring science and society together. Most Science Shop projects are related to the urgent and complex societal challenges that we face.

Prior to starting at WUR, I obtained my PhD at the Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam (2023). My PhD thesis focusses on how we could better understand and enhance the transformative capacity of research so that it can accelerate sustainable food system transformation. I conducted this doctoral research within the European Horizon 2020 project FIT4FOOD2030, which was coordinated by the Athena Institute. In addition to conducting research, I coordinated one of the project’s Living Labs and the project’s EU Think Tank, and taught in several Bachelor and Master courses.

If you would like to learn more about the WUR Citizen Science Hub or the Wageningen Science Shop, feel free to contact me.