EJ (Eugenie) van Heijgen MSc MA

EJ (Eugenie) van Heijgen MSc MA

Promovendus, Docent

After obtaining a BSc in Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University, I completed two degrees: a MSc in Landscape Architecture and Planning with a minor Social Spatial Analysis at Wageningen University and a MA in Landscape History at the University of Groningen.

In my work as a PhD candidate, I am interested in nature-culture dichotomies, human-animal relationships and how these interlink with historical landscape changes. In my PhD project, I do research on how more-than human interaction in hunting practices have shaped today’s often perceived nature areas in the Netherlands. Where these hunting encounters take (or historically have taken) place, is what I call hunting landscapes. I am interested in how these places are actively shaped through human-animal relations, and how these relations emerge from the complex interplay between space/place, matter, humans and non-humans.