CJAM (Katrien) Termeer CJAM (Katrien) Termeer

Professor Governance of transformative change

Lectures and podcast appearances:


Small Wins for Sustainable Food | Katrien Termeer | TEDxWageningenUniversity (

Congress Association for Dutch Municipalities, March 20 2023
Keynote 'Meaningful governance over tough issues' (NL)

Nieuwe Maan: festival for transformation, January 21 2023
Speech: the transformation of our food system (NL)

Ecosofie Podcast, August 29 2023
Small steps for big change with Katrien Termeer (NL)

Prof. Dr. ir. C.J.A.M. Termeer studies new modes of governance of wicked problems in the fields of climate change and sustainable agro-food chains. Before she had been working at the universities of Rotterdam and Delft, the ministry of Agriculture and Sioo. Sideactivities: Crown-appointed member Social and Economic Council (SER);  member Continental Supervisory Board Solidaridad Europe; EU High Level Group Biosphere Economy Innovation
