M (Merlijn) Schram MSc

M (Merlijn) Schram MSc

PhD student


While it may not be easily visible, there is a wealth of biodiversity hidden below-ground. This biodiversity consists of fungi and bacteria, but also nematodes, earthworms and pot worms, and small arthropods such as springtails and mites. All of these groups have important functions and contribute greatly to the health of the soil. Without them we would lose important ecosystem services.

As part of the "Onder het Maaiveld" project, soil samples have been taken from all over the Netherlands. Additionally, a soil ecotron was constructed in the backyard of NIOO-KNAW. In my research. I will use the existing data to find patterns in soil biodiversity related to abiotics and management practices. I will also gather more data from Dutch soils and the soil ecotron to establish the relationships between soil biodiversity and soil health. My goal is to create a frame of reference for biodiversity in healthy soil, that can be used to protect and improve soil biodiversity.