PAM (Paul) van Zwieten MSc

PAM (Paul) van Zwieten MSc

Externe medewerker

The focus my work is on data and information requirements to evaluate fisheries on fish communities tropical marine and freshwater ecosystems in situations with limited data. My interest ranges from temporal and spatial aspects of interactions between fish and fisheries, potentials and limits of utilizing information from fishers, indicators to assess the impact of fisheries and mass-balance approaches to fisheries value chains. My recent works is on information requirements to assess harvest patterns of fisheries resources by small-scale fishers in relation to productivity potentially leading to balanced harvesting. Together with researchers from Kenya and Uganda and students from Wageningen University I am developing a mass-balance model of the value chain of Dagaa (Ratrineobola argentea), to assess the importance of this species for food security and local economies.

Next to my job as teacher and researcher in fisheries ecology at Wageningen University, I worked as a research advisor and consultant in the appraisal and set up of fisheries research and monitoring programs on inland and coastal fisheries in SE Asia and Southern Africa. Current work is focused on African lakes, and coastal and pelagic marine and pelagic tuna I teach on subjects in life-history, fisheries ecology and marine resources management, and was involved in international adult education on the same subjects.

Supervisor of PhD Candidate Shinta Yuniarta, Happy Peter