dr. P (Pauline) Kamermans

dr. P (Pauline) Kamermans

Senior researcher marine ecology and aquacuilture

Dr. Pauline Kamermans has 31 years’ experience in marine ecological and aquaculture research of which 24 years have been devoted to shellfish. Her present work focusses on shellfish aquaculture and restoration. The research is funded by the EU, the national and local government, shellfish farmers, nature organisations and wind farm developers. She chaired the ICES Working Group on Marine Shellfish Culture (2009-2012) and the ICES Working Group of Aquaculture (2013-2015). Kamermans has been working for WMR since 2000, where she has carried out various projects on spat fall prediction, seed collection methods, the development of hatchery and nursery techniques, restoration of flat oyster beds and experiments on ecophysiological needs of shellfish at different life stages.