dr. SR (Siddharth) Deshpande

dr. SR (Siddharth) Deshpande

Universitair docent

Siddharth Deshpande is an interdisciplinary scientist fascinated by living systems and keen on understanding how biomolecules self-organize to form functional modules necessary for life. Since 2019, Siddharth leads his EmBioSys lab at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, embedded within the Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter chair group. The broad vision of the EmBioSys lab is to tackle unsolved biological questions through appropriate bottom-up/biomimetic systems and create soft matter-based materials with biotechnological potential. Current research tackles diverse topics: from shaping synthetic cells and studying protein phase separation, to designing biosensors and making particle-stabilized emulsions. The use and development of on-chip microfluidic technology for controlled experimentation forms an integral part of the lab. Siddharth is always keen on exploring unknown directions and has carried out a variety of collaborative research over the years, from surface-sensing by bacteria and developing antibiotic-screening platforms, to directed evolution of proteins and adhesion mechanism of ticks. 

Personal website: https://siddharthdeshpandelab.com