
CAPBIO4BG - Capacity building AUP


The CAPBIO4BG project strengthens the educational, research & innovation capacity of the Agricultural University of Plovdiv (AUP) in the area of Bio-economy, to develop and implement research & innovation projects in bio-economy value chains at regional, national, cross-border and international scale.


Despite its high potential, the bio-economy sector is not yet well developed and integrated in Bulgarian agriculture and in the related Research and Higher Education Institutions. The AUP wants to strengthen its position as an academic actor in the development of bio-economy initiatives, including in development of a bio-economy knowledge and innovation hub in the Plovdiv region. The CAPBIO4BG project will enhance the capacity for multi-actor and multi-disciplinary collaboration in research & innovation as a key precondition for implementing regional strategies on bio-economy in Bulgaria and AUP. The project will promote systemic and integrated approaches for acquiring research knowledge and innovation in the field of Bioeconomy and build the capacity of AUP as a regional knowledge center on Bioeconomy.

Project description

The development of the Capacity Building Framework for Bioeconomy Research & Innovation at AUP includes three parts:

1) AUP’s Capacity assessment; needs and knowledge gap analysis
2) Development of a Strategic program for Research & Innovation;
3) Implementation by developing a Living Lab Business Case. While confronted with covid-issues there have been online interactions and workshops, on campus workshops in AUP, and field trips to WUR, BioOrbic, and the University of Bologna. In October 2023, a Bioeconomy week closes the project.


  • A review of the R&I potential of the AUP in a regional context of Bioeconomy Research & Innovation with an outline of capacity building measures that need to be developed and mobilized.
  • The Bioeconomy Research and Innovation Strategy for the Agricultural University of Plovdiv.
  • A Stakeholder Map and a Road Map on Bio-economy initiative in the region
  • Specific measures for developing and managing the research activities at AUP, including the development of specific research curricula and content, training of staff members in development of Bioeconomy
  • Related research disciplines, training in developing research publication.
  • Promotion and dissemination.


D.1.1.Developing the research & innovation capacity at the Agricultural University of Plovdiv to boost the regional innovation potential in Bio-economy (BE)
D.1.2.Knowledge gap assessment for research and innovation
D.2.1.A Concept for a Bioeconomy Research and Innovation Strategy for the Agricultural University of Plovdiv